Abrupt transfer & deferment of OSD to CP Delhi draws attention

By IndianMandarins- 05 Jan 2025


New Delhi (05.01.2025): The notification issued by the Union Home Ministry on January 1, 2025 drew the attention of all and sundry. Manishi Chandra (IPS: 2004: UT), OSD to Delhi Police Commissioner, was transferred to Mizoram on December 13, 2024. A section of insiders says that Chandra’s transfer was an abrupt decision thus saw a u-turn within two weeks. 
The subsequent order dated 01.01.2025 reads, “In partial modification of MHA's order of even number dated 13.12.2024, transfer in respect of Manishi Chandra from Delhi to Mizoram is hereby cancelled with immediate effect and until further orders.”
Reportedly, the transfer didn’t have the consent of Delhi CP Sanjay Arora (IPS: 1988: TN) thus he was never in a hurry to relieve him for Mizoram. As the murmuring goes Delhi Police Commissioner put his foot down and got the transfer deferred to ensure that Chandra continues at police headquarters as his OSD.
Interestingly, the way Chandra’s abrupt transfer and subsequent deferment unfolded was unique in itself. To cover up the murmuring it was claimed that Chandra’s stay was necessary ahead of Delhi Assembly elections thus MHA revisited its decision on Chandra. But this logic falls flat. Even a layman knows well that Delhi Assembly elections was not a sudden affair but a scheduled one.

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