New Delhi (07.02.2025): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Friday are as follows:-
Vandita Pandey (IPS: 2011: TN) was appointed as Director in the Department of Youth Affairs for a period of five years.
Maimun Alam (IRS IT: 2007) has been selected for appointment as Director in the Ministry of Steel, Delhi for a period of five years.
Vishwasree B (IAS: 2014: TR) was appointed as Executive Director (DS level), Tobacco Board, Guntur under the Department of Commerce for a period of four years w.e.f. 12.03.2025. The officer replaces Sridhar Babu Addanki (IAS: 2008: UD).
Kamaljit K Kamal (IRS C&IT: 2013) was appointed as Deputy Secretary in the Office of Custodian of Enemy Property for India (CEPI), Mumbai under the Ministry of Home Affairs for a period upto 24.01.2026 i.e. till the tenure/validity of the above post. The officer replaces Patil Prashant Sudamrao (IRS C&IT: 2011).
S.H.K. Murti (IFoS: 2013: AGMUT) was prematurely repatriated to the Cadre. Currently, he is working as Deputy Director, FSI, Kolkata in the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change MoEFCC (AGMUT) on personal grounds with the condition of extended 'cooling off'.
Surendra Prasad Pant (CSS) was appointed (on a contract basis) as Private Secretary to the Minister for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) (Jitan Ram Manjhi) on coterminous basis.
New Delhi (07.02.2025): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Friday are as follows:-
Vandita Pandey (IPS: 2011: TN) was appointed as Director in the Department of Youth Affairs for a period of five years.
Maimun Alam (IRS IT: 2007) has been selected for appointment as Director in the Ministry of Steel, Delhi for a period of five years.
Vishwasree B (IAS: 2014: TR) was appointed as Executive Director (DS level), Tobacco Board, Guntur under the Department of Commerce for a period of four years w.e.f. 12.03.2025. The officer replaces Sridhar Babu Addanki (IAS: 2008: UD).
Kamaljit K Kamal (IRS C&IT: 2013) was appointed as Deputy Secretary in the Office of Custodian of Enemy Property for India (CEPI), Mumbai under the Ministry of Home Affairs for a period upto 24.01.2026 i.e. till the tenure/validity of the above post. The officer replaces Patil Prashant Sudamrao (IRS C&IT: 2011).
S.H.K. Murti (IFoS: 2013: AGMUT) was prematurely repatriated to the Cadre. Currently, he is working as Deputy Director, FSI, Kolkata in the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change MoEFCC (AGMUT) on personal grounds with the condition of extended 'cooling off'.
Surendra Prasad Pant (CSS) was appointed (on a contract basis) as Private Secretary to the Minister for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) (Jitan Ram Manjhi) on coterminous basis.