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IPS officer fears debarment

By IndianMandarins- 05 Feb 2025


New Delhi (05.02.2025): If some well-placed sources are to be believed, the possible debarment of Gajbhiye Satishkumar Ishwardas (IPS: 2002: OD) from Central Deputation and foreign assignment for five years in Govt of India has forced him to knock the door of the Centre. It’s a little circumstantial or coincidental too.
Senior IPS officer Gajbhiye submitted a representation to the state as well as the Centre not to relive him from the state cadre. This may be recalled that he declined to take up central deputation when he was appointed Deputy Inspector General (DIG) in Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF). However, the Centre had already conveyed his appointment as DIG, CRPF and the state government relieved him on 30.12.2024. Since he has not been empanelled for holding the IG level post, so he is not keen on taking up the new assignment at the Centre. Now, the said IPS officer is requesting that he is not relived from the state cadre. This is being done as apparently the new development doesn’t suit his career progression.

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