• New Delhi (28.02.2025): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Friday are as follows:
    • Gavali Parag Harshad (IAS: 2013: OD) has been appointed as Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Affairs for a period up to 11.07.2029. His central deputation tenure is w.e.f. 12.07.2024.
    • Post of Deputy Secretary held by Pooja Hali (IRS IT: 2011) has been re-designated as Director in the NGMA under Ministry of Culture for a period up to 09.06.2029. Her central deputation tenure is w.e.f. 10.06.2024.
    • Nazeem Ahmed A (IOFS: 2011) has been appointed as Director in the Ministry of Minority Affairs for a period up to 21 .12.2028. His central deputation tenure is w.e.f. 22.12.2023.

  • New Delhi (28.02.2025): The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved induction of three IPS officers into the 'hard-core' of Intelligence Bureau. The names of these officers are as follows.
    1. Debesh Kumar Behera (IPS: 2007: KL) 
    2. Georgy George (IPS: 2012: TN)
    3. Saptarshi Abhijit Jaikrishna (IPS: 2008: TR)

  • New Delhi (27.02.2025): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Thursday are as follows:
    • Abhay Jain (CSS) has been appointed as Officer on Special Duty to Harsh Malhotra, Union MoS for Corporate Affairs for a period up to 30.09.2028 i.e. till his superannuation.
    • The additional charge of the post of Secretary, Department of Health Research, has been assigned to Health Secretary Punya Salila Srivastava (lAS: 1993: UT) from 28.02.2025 to 06.03.2025 during the period of absence on leave of Dr Rajiv Bahl.
    • The deputation tenure of S. Suresh (IPS: 1995: KL), as ADG in SPG, has been extended for a period of one year beyond 08.03.2025  in relaxation of the IPS Tenure Policy. The post has also been upgraded from ID to ADG in SPG.
    • The post of Private Secretary to the Minister for Civil Aviation K R Naidu held by Shrikesh A Lathkar (IAS: 2011: AP) has been re-designated at Director level for a period up to 03.12.2029. He counts his central Deputation tenure w.e.f. 04.12.2024.
    • Venkataraman Vajapayajula (YOA: 2005), Ambassador of India to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, has been concurrently accredited as the Ambassador of India to the Central African Republic with residence in Kinshasa.

    • Tenure of Baaldeo Purushartha, Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, has been extended for a period of one year beyond 11.03.2025.

    • Tenure of Gaurav Sharma (CWES: 2008), Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officer (FA&CAO), Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), Principal Bench, has been extended for a period of one year from 01.03.2025 and up to 28.02.2026.
    • Tenure of Ankita Chakravarty (IAS: 2013: AGMUT), Private Secretary to Minister for Women & Child Development Annpurna Devi, has been prematurely curtailed. She has laterally been shifted to Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation as Deputy Secretary for a period up to 30.11.2027. She counts her central deputation tenure w.e.f. 01.12.2023.
    • Tenure of Dr Shalia Shah (IFS: 2012), Deputy Secretary, Department of Higher Education, has been extended for a period of two years up to 01.03.2027. Her central deputation tenure is w.e.f. 02.03.2022.
    • A Muthukumar (IAS: 2009: JH) has been appointed as Private Secretary at the level of Director to Vice-Chairperson of NITI Aayog Dr Suman K Bery w.e.f. 16.7.2024 for period up to 04.12.2027.
    • Debesh Kumar Behera (IPS: 2007: KL) has been inducted into 'hard-core' of Intelligence Bureau.

    • Georgy George (IPS: 2012: TN) has been inducted into 'hard-core' of Intelligence Bureau.
    • Saptarshi Abhijit Jaikrishna (IPS: 2008: TR) has been inducted into 'hard-core' of Intelligence Bureau.
    • Piyush Ranjan (IDSE: 2002) has been appointed as CVO, Engineering Projects India Ltd (EPIL) for a period up to 14.06.2027.

    • Bhagwandas Gajgbate (IOFS: 2008) has been appointed as CVO, Manganese Ore India Ltd. (MOIL) for a period up to 22.03.2027.

    • Dr Piyush Singh (IFS: 2007) has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Republic of Paraguay.


  • New Delhi (25.02.2025): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Tuesday are as follows:

    • Ardra Agarwal (IAS: 2007: GJ), DCO/DCR, Gujarat, Daman & Die and Dadra & Nagar Haveli, has been prematurely repatriated to her parent cadre.

  • New Delhi (24.02.2025): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Monday are as follows:
    • Post of Deputy Director (Deputy Secretary level) held by Deep Jagdip Contractor (IFoS: 2011: KN) has been re-designated as Deputy Director (Senior) at Director level in the LBSNAA for a period up to 11.11.2029. His central deputation tenure is w.e.f. 12.11.2024.
    • Post of Deputy Director (Deputy Secretary level) held by D Mahesh Kumar (lFoS: 2011: KN) has been re-designated as Deputy Director (Senior) at Director level in the LBSNAA for a period up to 11.11.2029 i.e. total tenure of five years. His central deputation tenure is w.e.f. 12.11.2024.
    • Post of Deputy Secretary, National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority under Department of Pharmaceuticals held by Richa Pandey (ICAS: 2011), has been re-designated as Director for a period up to 07.06.2027 i.e. total tenure of five years. Her central deputation tenure is w.e.f. 08.06.2022.
    • Post of Private Secretary (at Deputy Secretary level) to the Minister for Culture & Tourism Sandeep Kumar Singh (IAS: 2011: AGMUT) has been re-designated as Private Secretary (at Director level) to the same Minister for a period up to 30.09.2026. He counts his Central Deputation tenure w.e.f. 01.10.2021.
    • Jafar Malik (IAS: 2013: KL) has been appointed as Deputy Secretary in Dharti Aaba Janjatiya Gram Utkarsh Abhiyan (DAJGUA) under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for a period up to 02.09.2028 after curtailing his tenure as Deputy Secretary in the Department of Commerce. He counts his central deputation tenure w.e.f. 03.09.2024.

    • Y K Sailas Thangal (IFS: 1996) has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    • Tenure of Pratima Gupta (IOFS: 1992), CVO, Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI), Delhi has been extended for a period of two years beyond 12.06.2025 i.e. up to 12.06.2027.

    • Tenure of Jagdish Khima Rathod (CPES: 2002), CVO, Deendayal Port Authority (DPA), Kandla, has been extended for a period of two years beyond 02.06.2025 i.e. up to 02.06.2027.

  • New Delhi (22.02.2025): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Saturday are as follows:
    • Shaktikanta Das (Retd IAS: 1980: TN) has been appointed as Principal Secretary-2 to Prime Minister. His appointment will be co-terminus with the term of the Prime Minister.
    • A Asholi Chalai (CSS:1987, Joint Secretary, National Commission for Women, has been in-situ upgraded as Additional Secretary, National Commission for Women by temporarily upgrading the post.
    • Tenure of Manoj Sethi (ICAS: 1993), Joint Secretary & FA, Department of Fertilizers, has been extended for one year.
    • Tenure of Alok Prem Nagar (IFoS: 1995: HP), Joint Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, has been extended for a period of one year.

  • New Delhi (21.02.2025): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Friday are as follows:
    • Rose Mary K Abraham (lES: 2006) was prematurely repatriated to her parent cadre. Currently, she is Director in the Department of Investment & Public Asset Management (DIPAM).
    • The tenure of Unmesh Sharad Wagh (IRS C&CE: 2000) as Chairperson (additional charge), Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) was extended for a period from 04.01.2025 to 23.02.2025 or till regular appointment. He is Deputy Chairperson, JNPA.
    • Satyendra Kumar (lPS: 2007: RJ) was appointed as Director in NITI Aayog for a period upto 24.09.2025.

  • New Delhi (20.02.2025): Notifications of appointments and recommendations issued on Thursday are as follows:
    • M P Tangirala (IP&TA&FS: 1990), Additional Secretary, Department of Financial Services, has been repatriated to his parent cadre.

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