NMDC records best ever April month performance

By IndianMandarins- 03 May 2023


New Delhi (03.05.2023): Recording the best ever performance for any April month in NMDC history, NMDC reported a production of 3.51 Million Tonne (MT) and sale of 3.43 Million Tonne  in April 2023.
Iron ore production by NMDC in April 2023 is 11.42% more than April 2022 and the growth in sales is 9.93% over corresponding period last year. Building on the momentum from the 40 Million Tonne surpassed consecutively in FY22 and FY23, the mining major is on a record-breaking spree as it achieves the highest production and sales for any April month since inception.
Congratulating the team NMDC on the spectacular performance, Amitava Mukherjee, CMD (Additional Charge), NMDC said that dedication and consistency is displayed in NMDC’s back-to-back grit to outperform itself as seen in April’s solid figures. “We are continuously adopting new processes and technologies to strengthen our supply-chain and continue to meet the growing iron ore demands of the nation. Now we are aiming at becoming a 100 MTPA mining company by 2030 and are treading confidently on the road map laid for achieving the same,” said Mukherjee.

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