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Secretary-General Rajya Sabha: Extension to Verma or elevation to Ramacharyulu?

By IndianMandarins- 31 Aug 2021


New Delhi (30.08.2021): Who will become the next secretary-general of Rajya Sabha?

The extended one-year term of the incumbent SG Desh Deepak Verma (Retd 1978 batch UP cadre IAS) is ending on 31/08/2021. Will it be extended again? Though he may be keen, the question is whether it is at all desirable to cause stagnation in the ranks below.

As jockeying begins for this prestigious post among civil servants, reports indicate that RS chairman and VP M Venkaiah Nadu may prefer to see the incumbent Secretary of Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Dr. PPK Ramacharyulu, elevated to the top post.

In case Naidu's preference sways the final decision, Dr. Ramacharyulu would earn the distinction of being the first-ever Rajya Sabha Cadre officer to make it to the SG post.

The Rajya Sabha Chairman's preference for Dr. Ramacharyulu became known when he ensured the latter's appointment as Secretary to RS Secretariat a couple of months ahead of his retirement. To do this, he even reportedly tweaked the RR (Recruitment Rules) of SG, RS.

Some IAS officers may also be considered for the job. Among them is mentioned the name of former Union Textiles Secretary Ravi Capoor who was in March 2021 picked up as the first Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SANSAD TV - the entity that came into existence following the merger of Lok Sabha TV and Rajya Sabha TV in March this year.

However, Capoor having settled in Sansad TV, with six more months (ending 28.02.2022) to complete his task and tenure as CEO of SANASD TV,  there does not seem to be any plausible reason to destabilize the newly-created entity of Sansad TV.

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